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Women arrange hardcord femdom


Forum Lord
Sadistic Single Tails Dietrich

Sadistic Single Tails Dietrich

File Name: Sadistic Single Tails
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 67.4 MiB
Resolution: 480 x 640
Time: 5 min 42 s
Description: Cheyenne's and Dietrich's slave is now hanging from the rafters in a body harness. The ladies lay into his flesh with single tail whips. Cheyenne uses an extra long bull whip on the slave, causing instant black and blue marks to appear on the slave's back. Dietrich admires the bruising and begins lashing into the slave even harder. The slave cries for mercy several times. This infuriates the Mistresses and they turn the savage whipping up several notches. The brutal whipping continues until the slave learns to be grateful for their whips and begs for more.
Cast: Dietrich
Genre: Femdom,




Forum Lord
Her toy balls Aurora, Mistress Varla

Her toy balls Aurora, Mistress Varla

File Name: Her toy balls
Format: Windows Media
File Size: 208 MiB
Resolution: 480 x 720
Time: 10 min 8 s
Description: Varla and Aurora have their play toy naked and fitted with a leather hood. The play toy cannot see or hear. There is no way for his helpless balls to be protected. Varla and Aurora smile as they put him in position and remove their shoes. They are going to kick, punch and enjoy their toy's ball. The ladies kick their toy as he is made to stand up right with his hands on his head. When the toy falls to his knees, They deliver blows to his balls from behind. When the slut falls to the floor, Aurora grabs up his balls and Varla stomps on them. All the while, the ladies are smiling and giving each other high fives. They know, his balls are their toys.
Cast: Aurora, Mistress Varla
Genre: Femdom, Ball Busting, CBT, Female Domination, Punching or Boxing




Forum Lord
Ball jockeys Goddess Brianna, Jean Bardot

Ball jockeys Goddess Brianna, Jean Bardot

File Name: Ball jockeys
Format: Windows Media
File Size: 143 MiB
Resolution: 480 x 720
Time: 9 min 30 s
Description: Jean and Brianna want to determine which one of their slaves is the best ball bitch. The ladies tie the slaves balls together and pit them against each other in a game of tug o war. and demand they "The two of you will tug until someone's balls come off ! " Jean and Brianna circle the sluts, caning their asses and demanding they tug as hard as they can. "If you don't tear off his balls, I'm going to tear off yours!" Jean tells her slave. The ladies are amused as the slaves nearly pull each other's balls off, each trying desperately to prove they are the better ball bitch. Then the ladies line the slut's up with their hands on their heads and their balls exposed before them. Brianna hauls off and kicks both of the bitch's right in the nuts. Jean joins in. The ladies deliver full force, repeated blows until both slut's are collapsed on the floor unable to move, "This is what you get for not ripping his balls off." Jean says as she delivers yet another brute force kick to bitch's nuts.
Cast: Goddess Brianna, Jean Bardot
Genre: Femdom, Ball Busting, CBT




Forum Lord
Pussy Bitch Beating Elena Sin, Esmi Lee

Pussy Bitch Beating Elena Sin, Esmi Lee

File Name: Pussy Bitch Beating
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 52.2 MiB
Resolution: 360 x 640
Time: 6 min 34 s
Description: Mistresses Esmi and Elena are in the mood to inflict some punishment on their bitch's ass, knowing that, when it comes to taking pain, he is a complete pussy. The Mistresses use a variety of paddles on the slave's ass. The Mistresses then order their bitch to stand up and grab his ankles, knowing that they are going to spank him until he falls to the ground. When the bitch does fall, the Mistresses order him to lick their dirty boots as a sign of his gratitude.
Cast: Elena Sin, Esmi Lee
Genre: Femdom, Boot Worship, Spanking




Forum Lord
Canning Till Near Michelle Lacy

Canning Till Near Michelle Lacy

File Name: Canning Till Near
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 213 MiB
Resolution: 360 x 640
Time: 6 min 53 s
Description: The slave is on four ass out in front of his Mistress's. The slave is ready for everything his Mistress has to give him. The slave has no idea what he has in store. for him. The slave will take a ruthless canning and feel pain he could never had fathomed. The slave is in the worst pain of his life and can barely take it. The slave loves his goddess so he still begs for more. The Mistress shows and gives no remorse on the slaves bare ass.
Cast: Michelle Lacy
Genre: Femdom, Caning




Forum Lord
A convenient ashtray Veronica Snow

A convenient ashtray Veronica Snow

File Name: A convenient ashtray
Format: Windows Media
File Size: 47.7 MiB
Resolution: 480 x 720
Time: 4 min 4 s
Description: Mistress Veronica has enjoyed a full day of beating her farm slaves. She is now relaxing with a cigarette and reflecting on the fun filled day. She has a spittoon/ashtray slave laid out beneath her. The slut's mouth has been fitted with a dental gag to keep it open at all times. Veronica enjoys her smoke, ashing and spitting into the slut's mouth. She is relaxed and enjoying her cigarette. She doesn't acknowledge her ashtray. He is simply there for her convenience
Cast: Veronica Snow
Genre: Femdom, Human Ashtray, Humiliation




Forum Lord
Weighted And Whipped

Weighted And Whipped

File Name: Weighted And Whipped
Format: Windows Media
File Size: 14.7 MiB
Resolution: 240 x 320
Time: 3 min 57 s
Description: After hanging her slave upside down, Lady Cheyenne lays into his balls with an Austrian cattle whip. She has placed weights on each of her boy's balls so that they are stretched and available for her whip. The slave trembles and moans but wills himself to accept Mistress's beating. Charmed by the adoring slave's perseverance, Lady Cheyenne keeps the brutal lashes coming. The lighting in this video is fair. The action is fantastic.
Genre: Femdom,




Forum Lord
Extreme Cock And Ball Torture Kendra James

Extreme Cock And Ball Torture Kendra James

File Name: Extreme Cock And Ball Torture
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 170 MiB
Resolution: 360 x 640
Time: 7 min 35 s
Description: Kendra has her slave bound and is ready to give her slave extreme torture! Kendra wants to abuse the slaves pathetic cock and balls to her pleasure. Kendra starts by using her crop. Kendra thinks hitting his balls will not be enough. Kendra decides to take his cock and wrap it around the crop in circles. The slave screams in agony which makes Kendra laugh and just twit his cock harder. Kendra decides she wants to play with his balls so she grabs them and brutally squeezes them. Kendra pulls his balls while squeezing them so she can poke her finger into them causing the slave excruciating pain. Kendra can tell her slave is pain but instead of asking him if hes OK she makes him beg for more.
Cast: Kendra James
Genre: Femdom, CBT




Forum Lord
Exercise the balls Mistress Varla

Exercise the balls Mistress Varla

File Name: Exercise the balls
Format: Windows Media
File Size: 155 MiB
Resolution: 480 x 720
Time: 8 min 57 s
Description: It is excerise day for Mistress Varla's ball slave. She removes the slut from his cage and tells him to stand with his legs apart. Mistress Varla teases the slut's cock with her foot. She is so soft spoken and warm that it is easy to forget how brutal Varla's stocking feet can be....at least until she lays into this bitch's nuts. Varla nails the slut in the balls with full force several times. Rather than allow the slut time to recover from her full force kicks, Varla puts the slut on his knees and begins smacking his balls with her stocking feet. Then it is back up and legs open for the slut. Varla catches him from behind with a blind kick straight to his already aching balls. Varla is amused with the trembling slut. He can barely breath but he keeps stumbling to his feet for more. She delivers two more brute force blows and then sends the relieved slave back into his cage. Varla smiles and gives him one more cruel kick as he crawls back into his cage. She tells the exhaused slut she will be back for more.
Cast: Mistress Varla
Genre: Femdom, Ball Busting




Forum Lord
Alexis and Dahlia's Boot Licker POV Alexis Grace

Alexis and Dahlia's Boot Licker POV Alexis Grace

File Name: Alexis and Dahlia's Boot Licker POV
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 289 MiB
Resolution: 720 x 1 280
Time: 6 min 4 s
Description: Goddesses Alexis Grace and Dahlia Rain have been tormenting their male pets all day long. This has caused the women to sweat and dirty their once very shiny and sexy boots. They have allowed you to come out of your cage and have given you the privilege of cleaning their boots for them, and be on your knees, staring up at their beauty while doing it. The catch? You will not be using rags, but your very own tongue. Get to work polishing just as the Goddesses tell you to. Do not miss one spot. Look at how horny this is making you. The Goddesses have noticed and want you to stroke your cock for them, and spray your man filth all over their boots, so they can enjoy watching you polish them all over again by licking off every drop.
Cast: Alexis Grace
Genre: Femdom, Boot Worship, Masturbation Instruction




Forum Lord
Edging Masturbation Instruction POV

Edging Masturbation Instruction POV

File Name: Edging Masturbation Instruction POV
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 288 MiB
Resolution: 720 x 1 280
Time: 6 min 7 s
Genre: Femdom, Masturbation Instruction




Forum Lord
Ball Busting Fun

Ball Busting Fun

File Name: Ball Busting Fun
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 53.3 MiB
Resolution: 360 x 640
Time: 6 min 38 s
Description: Goddess Amadahy loves busting men's balls, seeing them writhing in pain at her boots. She takes her busting bitch out of his cage and quickly drops him to the floor with some hard ball kicks. Amadahy will not allow this bitch to ruin her fun though; when he falls to the ground, she continues the punishment, kicking him more or slapping and punching his pathetic balls.

After inflicting some more ball punishment, Amadahy pulls the bitch back to his feet for some more ball kicks and a few knee shots. When he falls yet again, Amadahy scratches an "A" into his back to remind him who his owner is and that his balls exist only to provide her with amusement.
Genre: Femdom, Ball Busting, CBT




Forum Lord
Whipping Their Pony Slave Reagan Lush, Sasha Foxx

Whipping Their Pony Slave Reagan Lush, Sasha Foxx

File Name: Whipping Their Pony Slave
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 308 MiB
Resolution: 720 x 1 280
Time: 6 min 31 s
Description: Goddess Sasha Foxx and Reagan Lush are using their pony slave to pull them around when they stop him and have him start cleaning their boots. They want him to clean them good, paying close attention to the dirty bottoms of their boots. Reagan Lush tells him to suck the heel like a good little cocksucker. Reagan Lush gets bored with the boot worship, and asks Sasha Foxx if she would rather whip their pathetic pony slave bitch. They tie their slave to a tree and make him beg them to get whipped. Sasha Foxx cracks the whip across his back, turning it from pale pasty white to a deep crimson. Goddess Sasha Foxx feels like he isn't getting the enjoyment out of this whipping that he should, and demands he beg for more. Reagan Lush then takes over using her red suede whip to sting against his back.
Cast: Reagan Lush, Sasha Foxx
Genre: Femdom, Boot Worship, Pony Play, Whipping




Forum Lord
Until Mistress Cums Eden Adams

Until Mistress Cums Eden Adams

File Name: Until Mistress Cums
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 283 MiB
Resolution: 720 x 1 280
Time: 5 min 59 s
Description: Eden Admas is a sexually charged woman. She expects perfection from her slaves. She has a male bitch fitted with a dildo gag and an electronic shocker around his balls. Eden puts the bitch on his knees and demands that he get her off. For additional arousal Eden shocks the slut's balls. This bitch's job won't be finished until Mistress's pussy juice is running down his face and his balls are fried.
Cast: Eden Adams
Genre: Femdom, Strap-on




Forum Lord
Boot Worship Humiliated and Fucked

Boot Worship Humiliated and Fucked

File Name: Boot Worship Humiliated and Fucked
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 35.9 MiB
Resolution: 360 x 640
Time: 4 min 35 s
Description: Boot Worship Humiliated and Fucked
Genre: Femdom, Boot Worship, Humiliation




Forum Lord
Make Your Mistress Cum Or Your Balls Will Fry Goddess Brianna

Make Your Mistress Cum Or Your Balls Will Fry Goddess Brianna

File Name: Make Your Mistress Cum Or Your Balls Will Fry
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 108 MiB
Resolution: 360 x 640
Time: 4 min 49 s
Description: The slave does not know it yet but the he just a piece of meat for his mistress's. Goddess Brianna has attached a ball shocker to the slaves balls. Goddess Brianna lets the slave know if he does not make Mistress Karla cum she will fry his balls off. Mistress Karla gets on the table where the the slave is bound to.Mistress Karla sits on the slaves face and makes him go to work. Goddess Brianna shocks the slave whenever she thinks he is not doing a good enough job. The Mistress make the slave beg and thank them for the pleasure of having a Mistress's pussy on his face. Goddess Brianna continues to shock the slave and humiliate him for fun. Goddess Brianna grabs the slaves balls and shows Karla how fried they are. After Mistress Karla cums all over the slaves face. The Mistress's agree his best was not good enough. The Mistress then continue to keep shocking his balls.
Cast: Goddess Brianna
Genre: Femdom, Electroshock, Face Sitting




Forum Lord
Michelle and Tangent's Auction Slave Goddess Tangent, Michelle Lacy

Michelle and Tangent's Auction Slave Goddess Tangent, Michelle Lacy

File Name: Michelle and Tangent's Auction Slave
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 2.68 GiB
Resolution: 720 x 1 280
Time: 57 min 48 s
Description: Michelle Lacy and Goddess Tangent arrive at the punishment post ready to see what their newest purchase from the slave market has to offer them. He had been shipped and left caged for them and has been in there for hours, waiting and scared. When Michelle and Tangent see the small slave, they are skeptical at how well he is going to perform for them here at Club Dom.The two Goddesses decide to put him through a series of tortures to see how well he holds up. If he cannot last and begs for mercy, he is going back to the slave farm and the slave farm is not where he wants to be. Michelle Lacy and Goddess Tangent are still putting their newest slave through trials. He must show that he is able to handle all of the abuse or else he is going back to the horrible slave farm where he came from. Michelle and Tangent want to play Tug Of Balls, a game based on Tug of War where the slaves will be pulling each other by a rope tied to each other's balls. Tangent brings in one of Club Dom's long-time trained slaves, walking him in by his nuts. Michelle ties him to the new slave. The game begins and the men are suffering, pulling each other in separate directions, straining through their pain to pull the other slave across the goal line. The women do not make it easy for them. They pull the men back by the rope and poke, stomp and slap their balls. Michelle Lacy and Goddess Tangent are enjoying a smoke. They decide their auction slave needs a good whipping to see how well he holds up. Will he hold up or will he beg for mercy? Michelle grabs her super long whip and delivers some harsh blows. Goddess Tangent decides she wants a turn and tries to break him with her galley whip. Each blow is hard and painful and the slave suffers for his new owners. Disappointed with how he could not handle a whipping too well, Michelle Lacy and Goddess Tangent decide to try caning their slave to see if he can withstand that. Or maybe the women are just in the mood to inflict pain on their pint-sized new slave? Michelle and Tangent take turns administering hard and fast cane strokes. Their slave needs to see that they mean business and will send him back to the slave farm if he cannot tolerate their torments. Michelle and Tangent smoke cigarettes and stroke their big black cocks and tell you how they exactly want to stretch and use your ass for their pleasure while also using your ass as their ashtray. Be a good bitch and open up wide for them....both holes. You need to please them as they pound away fucking you harder and harder for their amusement. It's time for Michelle and Tangent's most favorite part of their trial, the strap-on session. Their auction slave must be able to take everything the women dish out, and he will be suffering alongside one of their other slaves. The women grin with delight and they shove their big black cocks into the gaping mouths of the slaves and laugh as the slaves gag on them. Michelle puts her leg over her slave and uses it to impale his head onto her huge hard dick while she laughs at him. Tangent and Michelle both face slap their slaves when they are not performing up to par. Michelle is having so much fun, she throws BOTH her thighs around her slave's head and rams her cock deep and hard down his throat. The women decide it's time to fuck those man-pussies. They have the slaves bent over the bench facing each other, humiliated as they can see the pain and suffering in each other's faces as they are both fucked hard and deep by the two unrelenting women. Should their new auction slave be sent back to the slave farm, or will he pass their test? Michelle Lacy and Goddess Tangent are still trying out their new auction slave. At this point, they have very little faith that he will last. The auction slave was allowed to speak and he had pleaded to be put through just one more trial. He must be whipped alongside one of the seasoned slaves and show that he can hold out for them. Michelle and Tangent decide that it would be fun to whip him to shreds, whether he can last or not. Here he is on the cross, next to the other slave, and the ladies get to work, swinging different whips, slicing the flesh of the scared men. Will he last? The new auction slave and the seasoned Clubdom slave are bent over and restrained. They await their painful fate as Michelle Lacy and Goddess Tangent discuss how hard they are going to cane each man. Their auction slave is most likely going back to the slave farm but they want to cane him anyway. Perhaps he might show some glimmer of hope. The two Mistresses cane both slaves. With heavy lightning fast blows, the hits keep coming. The more the women hit them, the more sadistic and happy they become. The two men are definitely in intense pain but the auction slave just trembles and cries for mercy. These women are not having it. Back to the slave farm he goes but they need to punish the head slaver who sold him to them. Paris announces that he has arrived and the women grab him. Tangent face slaps him and kicks him in the balls while Michelle holds him. They scold the slaver and tell him he is to take back that pathetic excuse for a slave and to never sell them such a sorry excuse of a man ever again.
Cast: Goddess Tangent, Michelle Lacy
Genre: Femdom, Ball Busting, Caning, CBT, Full Movie, Masturbation Instruction, Strap-on, Whipping




Forum Lord
Kylie Rogue & Brianna Strapon Goddess Brianna, Lydia Supremacy

Kylie Rogue & Brianna Strapon Goddess Brianna, Lydia Supremacy

File Name: Kylie Rogue & Brianna Strapon
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 307 MiB
Resolution: 720 x 1 280
Time: 6 min 30 s
Description: GODDESS Brianna and Lydia Supremacy smell fresh meat on the Femdom estate. There are 2 new pathetic slaves in their cages so the ladies decide to have some fun. They flip a coin to see which bitch they will fuck. The sluts are pulled from their cages and instructed to lube up the goddesses cocks with their pathetic cock holes. Bent over and cuffed to their cages and fucked right over them. The mistresses aren't quite through yet. Flipping the bitches over fucking them piledriver. Pounding their big hard cocks into their pathetic man pussies. The slaves are begging for mercy. After the goddesses are satisfied they stand back proud of their work. Looking at their pathetic ruined slaves whimpering in the fetal position as they stroke their huge cocks and laughing at how they just love owning men.
Cast: Goddess Brianna, Lydia Supremacy
Genre: Femdom, Strap-on




Forum Lord
Earning his stripes: ass caning Deanna Storm, Megan Jones

Earning his stripes: ass caning Deanna Storm, Megan Jones

File Name: Earning his stripes: ass caning
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 61.9 MiB
Resolution: 360 x 640
Time: 6 min 40 s
Description: Goddess Deanna and Mistress Megan have a new slave bitch that needs to "earn his stripes" by showing them he can take a good caning. The Mistresses enjoy playing a sadistic game with him, caning him so hard that he squirms in pain, then caning him for squirming - all while making him beg for more and more. They severely cane this bitch, breaking a cane over his ass and leaving it welted and bruised. But the Mistresses are far from down with their bitch, because he also needs to earn his stripes - on his balls!
Cast: Deanna Storm, Megan Jones
Genre: Femdom, Caning, Female Domination


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