Forum Lord
the golden age of porn, kristara barrington
the golden age of porn, kristara barrington
the golden age of porn, kristara barrington
kristara barrington, peter north, steve drake, jack baker, steve powers, joey silvera, randy west, careena collins, lois ayers, lynn fra, lynn franciss, jamie gillis, rick savage
year 1995
country: usa
studio: gentlemen's video
file size: 614,1 MB
file name: the golden age of porn, kristara barrington
video extension: avi
video duration: 00:56:02
video resolution: 640x480
the golden age of porn, kristara barrington

the golden age of porn, kristara barrington
kristara barrington, peter north, steve drake, jack baker, steve powers, joey silvera, randy west, careena collins, lois ayers, lynn fra, lynn franciss, jamie gillis, rick savage
year 1995
country: usa
studio: gentlemen's video
file size: 614,1 MB
file name: the golden age of porn, kristara barrington
video extension: avi
video duration: 00:56:02
video resolution: 640x480
