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Female Domination | Pain Play Lessons & sufferings


Forum Lord
Femdom Allie Heart & Zora - Elite Beauties Treasure Cock

Allie Heart & Zora - Elite Beauties Treasure Cock

A hot, drippy, close-up view of my special dick-tie-cock-tease special that has Zora and I wide eyed and horny. His cock is tied tightly, and we are relentless with our fingers, running them up and down his shaft until all three of us are moaning in anticipation. You�ll wish your cock could get attention like this.

Female Domination-FemDom, Tease & Denial, Bondage, Catsuit, Cock Worship, Handjobs, Orgasm Control, Pantyhose, Sheer

Format: mp4
Size: 601.31 MB
Duration: 00:13:43


Femdom_Allie Heart & Zora - Elite Beauties Treasure Cock.mp4

Femdom_Allie Heart & Zora - Elite Beauties Treasure Cock.mp4


Forum Lord
Femdom Asian Cruelty - Bitch Slapped For His Own Good - Empress Jennifer

This pitiful slave has come crawling to me today desperately hoping to be cured of his perverse sexual needs. This fool simply can no longer function in his daily life without thoughts of devoting himself to me as my lifelong slave. No wonder, as I have systematically conditioned and trained him to do so for the past several years. Nonetheless, I will half heartedly entertain his feeble request and amuse myself in the process.
I am after all, the only woman who truly understands him and his sick and twisted fantasies. I do after all instill and nurture such afflictions in men on a daily basis, so is it any wonder that I too can save this poor pet's soul? The Empress giveth, and the Empress taketh away HA HA! In my infinite wisdom, I have determined that the only cure for this pathetic creature, is a good hard face slapping. I will bitch slap the sickness right out of him.
First I build up the perverse tension in his body via spitting my warm sexy saliva all over his face. I watch his arousal escalate as my spittle drips down the length of his face. I then twist and pull on his exposed nipples as his heart pounds like a trip hammer. When the time is right, I release the evil from him by smacking the snot out of him, literally. Over and over again, I relentlessly slap this poor slave silly, until his teeth are rattled and his head is spinning.
Voila, he is cured. Not really, but I enjoyed myself immensely. HA HA!

Format: mp4
Size: 560.82 MB
Duration: 00:07:59


Femdom_Asian Cruelty - Bitch Slapped For His Own Good - Empress Jennifer.mp4

Femdom_Asian Cruelty - Bitch Slapped For His Own Good - Empress Jennifer.mp4


Forum Lord
Femdom Bitchin' Boots For Her Boot Bitch - Princess Rene

In this clip, the incomparable Princess Rene literally has her boot addict under her magnificent 6" Stiletto Heels, as she teases, tramples and torments him mercilessly with them. Her lucky slave is utterly mesmerized and powerless to resist the gorgeous Femme Fatale attired in her tight black waist cincher, PVC short shorts, and of course, her imposing crotch high black patent leather boots,

Her compliant pet is instructed to smell, kiss and lick her exalted boots from the bottom of her soles all the way up to the top of her thighs. The demanding Princess micro manages her boot bitch's every move, instructing him as to exactly how and where she wants him to lick, kiss and shine her delicious boots to perfection.

When he fails to please Princess with his effort, she grinds her razor sharp heels deep into the nipples, threatening to dig in so deep that she will literally rip them from his body leaving him scarred for life. A threat that inspires a better performance from the boot bitch.

Format: mp4
Size: 315.21 MB
Duration: 00:07:18


Femdom_Bitchin' Boots For Her Boot Bitch - Princess Rene.mp4

Femdom_Bitchin' Boots For Her Boot Bitch - Princess Rene.mp4


Forum Lord
Femdom Cruel Reell - Der Nylon Virus 2

Language: German

It only takes one day of nylons and leather boots paired with a decreased air circulation to create a sweet poison, that makes every victim fall into uncompromising spinelessness.To transmit this virus, the new host has to be in close contact with the transmitting beauty. Resistent experimentees will be mercilessly fixated. to inhale this mean aerosol made of bewitching foot- and nylon-scent deep into every single alveolus, this virus will spread inside of you, infect your brain and put you into a state of absolute ecstasy. Very good my little experimentee, inhale and take me in!

Es benotigt nur einen Tag in Nylons und Lederstiefeln gepaart mit einer herabgesetzten Luftzirkulation, um ein suBes Gift zu kreieren, welches jedes Opfer in kompromisslose Willenlosigkeit sturzt. Um einen neuen Wirt zu erreichen, muss dieser in nahem Kontakt zur uberbringenden Schonheit stehen. Widerstrebige Probanden werden gnadenlos fixiert. Gezwungen dieses tuckische Aerosol aus betorendem FuB- und Nylonduft tief bis in d ie letzte Alveole zu inhalieren, wird sich das Virus in dir ausbreiten, dein Gehirn infizieren und dich in einen Zustand der absoluten Ekstase versetzen. Sehr gut, mein kleiner Proband, zieh und nimm mich in dir auf!

Format: mp4
Size: 1.75 GB
Duration: 00:25:25


Femdom_Cruel Reell - Der Nylon Virus 2.mp4

Femdom_Cruel Reell - Der Nylon Virus 2.mp4


Forum Lord
Femdom Goddess Alexandra Snow, Mistress Tess & Helena Locke - Switch The Bitch

Featuring Mistress Tess and Domina Helena Locke!

Look at what we have here. This bitch is overdue for some punishment. Unfortunately, he's not getting a regular caning today. He will go into the yard and pick his switch. He'll get to choose the instrument of his pain, but we get to choose the method. We're going to take turns making this bitch scream for our pleasure.

No one will come to save him out here on our private property. He's got three devious dommes to apologize to. That apology comes in the form of hot red stripes. Can he handle his punishment? I sure hope so.

Format: mp4
Size: 1.17 GB
Duration: 00:17:58


Femdom_Goddess Alexandra Snow, Mistress Tess & Helena Locke - Switch The Bitch.mp4

Femdom_Goddess Alexandra Snow, Mistress Tess & Helena Locke - Switch The Bitch.mp4


Forum Lord
Femdom Raven & Scarlet - Face Slap Lessons For Beginner Princess

Category: Face Slapping, Brat Girls, Chastity, Female Domination, Foot Worship, Miniskirts

Today the girls are doing face slapping 101! Getting down to the basics. Its one of our favorite hobbies.
Scarlet teaches Raven how to do a nice bitch slap. Once she gets the hang of it they play a fun game of face slap tennis. He crawls back and forth and bows down at their feet and awaits for their demand of sitting up to present himself for the slaps. Is SOOOO much fun!

Format: mp4
Size: 752.12 MB
Duration: 00:08:58


Femdom_Raven&Scarlet FaceSlapLessonsForBeginnerPrincess.mp4

Femdom_Raven&Scarlet FaceSlapLessonsForBeginnerPrincess.mp4
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