Noemi's Toscana Rebirth (NTR) v0.10 - "Damon, Dearest"
Noemi's Toscana Rebirth (NTR) v0.10 - "Damon, Dearest"
beWilder is creating VideoGames and parodies for (+18)
Updated: 01-June-2020
Genre: Female protagonist, Adventure, Corruption, Age, Lesbian, Milfing, Voyeurism, NTR, Cuckoldry,MILF
Censorship: None
Developer/Publisher: beWilder
Version: v0.10 + Official Walkthrough
Platform: PC / Windows, Linux
Language: English
Size: 1.11 GB
About This Game:
Our heroine Noemi (call her Noe, everyone else does) is the only child of an Italian (Florentine) immigrant to the USA, who is also a self made entrepreneur and chef. She runs her own restaurant in a small neighbourhood in suburban Philadelphia with her fiancé Brad and her long-term waitresses, who are like sisters to her. Life has been good to her. too good. It all comes crashing down around her when her father is sent to an early grave and his secret debts come to light. As his only heir, they become Noe's and just like that she is under a burden of a 6-figure payment. That's not her only problem however as the biggest chain restaurant in town opens its dozenth location just across the street. She learns first hand how cut throat the food business can be at the hands of Mr. Baines and his chain "Salvatore's Deli".
Noe shows us just how hard it is to fight off crushing debt and a lecherous, treacherous rival restaurateur all while trying to keep her dream shop open. She's by no means alone however as her eternally optimistic fiancé, a trio of trainee waitresses (Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey), and her last remaining regular, the grizzled ex-cop 'Old Roy' all back her up in the head-to-head with the world. Will she make it to her long awaited wedding day? And will she be the same person as she was when all this began? That's up to you now, isn't it!? C'mon by 'Little Toscana' and see what we're serving up!"
Noemi's Toscana Rebirth v0.10 - "Damon, Dearest"
This update has boosted the game with another 28 new days to Noe's run against her debts and her rivals, allowing her up to 140, which is almost 5 complete Months of her life to live! This version adds a full complement to the Damon arc as Noe can put her Romance skills to new use with a new beau to get to know. That means 5 new scenes for this arc, for 7 total now. Also included are gameplay outcomes to both phases of the game, primarily a 70% boost to activity outcomes, with some new Promo attacks on Sal to keep the Restaurant Manager more powerful!
- Technical information
⦁ Version: 0.10 ("Damon, Dearest" Release)
⦁ Weight: 1.10 GB
⦁ Weight Packed: 641 MB
- Content
⦁ 5 Full Scenes (for 49 Total).
⦁ 69 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 609 Total)
⦁ 16 New Gameplay Rendered CGs (for 139 Total)
- 4 New Restaurant Management Outcome CGs Total.
- Added the first Lv2 Outcomes to the Promote Task for the Proactive attitude and for each girl. This now balances out the Promote Task with the Lv2s previously added for Reactive attitude, allowing for more power when attacking Sal's rep.
- 12 New Downtime Outcome CGs Total.
- Relax Mode: 2 new Yoga outcomes (up to 4 total), 2 new Poker outcomes (4 total), 2 new Car Wash outcomes (3 total) and 1 new Stay at Home/ TV Binge (2 total). Self-Improvement Mode: 1 new Yoga outcome (2 total), 1 new Poker outcome (2 total). Team Bonding Mode: 1 new Park/Kriem outcome (2 total), 1 new Visit/Frankie outcome (2 total) and 1 new Yoga/Kelsey outcome (2 total).
⦁ Added 28 new days to the playable game time (now up until the start of Day 140 / Month 5 Day 20 - Sunday)
⦁ Added 4 new Permanent Outfit to the game: Noe's Glittery Club Dress (we've been waiting years to add this one), Noe's knotted cardigan home lounging wear, Brad's sports workout outfit and Damon's date sweater.
- Features
⦁ Continuation of the Damon arc, giving the second majorly developed character arc to 7 scenes total now.
Heads Up! A quick notice here before you get lost in the details. All of the new content is on the Damon arc, but all of it is dependent on having first seen Frankie's 2nd Arc scene ("Dining, Family Style") as well. If you are having trouble finding the new scenes, make sure she has earned $200 in tips first.
⦁ Vastly expanded the Downtime section with a 70% boost to the number of outcomes (listed above). Now the more Noe's individual stats are increased, the deeper into the repeatable pool she will go. For example, have Open Mind 0-1 will reveal Yoga Repeat 1, while 2-3 will reveal Yoga Repeat 2. Activities that include earnings for Noe (Poker/Car Wash) increase their benefits the deeper Noe goes.
⦁ Expanded the Restaurant Gameplay section to include new Promote activity outcomes for Lv2 Proactive (Attacks on Sal).
⦁ We've added two new progress tracking subsystems for player benefit: The Arc Cooldown system and the Repeat Progress tracker.
- Arc Cooldown system: Now whenever you finish a scene in a story/character arc, a cooldown amount of days is triggered in order to put distance between the scenes playing on that arc. This is to enhance the pacing of each individual story. For example, if Noe focuses on progressing the Beck arc in the beginning and ignores improving non-Competitive stats, when later she turns to enjoy the Damon arc, this system will stop all Damon's scenes playing on consecutive days in game while the story/characters feel much more time has passed. Completing a Beck arc scene (for example) doesn't hold off any other story/character scene, only the next Beck scene. Please note that this cooldown is never more than the difference in minimum days between scenes and so it doesn't extend the natural time between an arc's progress.
- Repeat Progress tracker. Now that more activities have been added to the Downtime section, the game now tracks which ones of each activity the player has unlocked and viewed. These activities have interesting mini-stories and character backgrounds/details included, as well as sexy art in places, so this system ensures players never miss any content. In order to see Yoga Repeat 2, you must have seen the preceding repeat at least once before it shows itself, thereby making sure you don't miss any steps along the way.
- Community Feedback
⦁ (Included in v0.9.1 but not v0.9), Added a pop-up Intro menu that displays on New Game. It stars Chibi Noe and acts as a simple intro to the game as opposed to the cold start of the Day Menu to begin with. It also introduced the concept of the time window for the end of version right at the beginning so people are not caught off guard by it. Thanks emek for this heads up.
⦁ (Included in v0.9.1 but not v0.9) Added a small Bell and Ding icon to the Restaurant Manager screen. This icon appears after the tutorial board on Sal's Traps (the one with Noe and Frankie on it), acting as a one-time reminder to check out his side of the street from that point of for trap information. This should help players remember to get in the habit of checking his movements. Thanks Dr. Realgood for this feedback.
⦁ Found and fixed a bug that reset the choice to continue or end the Beck path when loading the game. Now your choice should be properly retained, and the following scenes of that arc will play or be cancelled appropriately.
- Known Issues
⦁ There is an issue with Mac OS's Catalina which is not addressable by us on the developer side, but can be worked around on the user's end. "Problem is specifically with the guardian system that won't let un-noterized applications run on Catalina. The solution is to chmod -R 777 "/appdirectory/" from the terminal as the application did not have the executable flag set. (Example: chmod -R 777 ~/Desktop/AoH_016_Mac). After this guardian catches it and control clicking on the app lets it be opened." Repeat: Then you've got to CONTROL+Click (not double click like normal). That should allow the app package to run, if not, please tell us!
We are thrilled to report that there are no other known issues at this time. Please do inform us via message or our Discord server if you do come across any, we sincerely mean that.
The doors are open! Little Toscana is serving up more than food, it's got good company and girls galore too! That's right, Noemi's back to give us her first double digit version and a new arc to enjoy for those in need of some passion, or just a little something new in their lives! Just like Noe! Tuck in to a plate load of Noe in Damon sauce in the links below, she's serving up something good like always!
"This release, dubbed "Damon, Dearest" marks the tenth full game release in the NTR branch of the beWilderverse. It's the first specific character release for Damon, the second character to get a focus treatment so far. He and Noe grow closer as their new friendship buds into a new space, at first with her helping him with the ladies, but quickly she finds she has as much to gain! On the other side of the game coin we've boosted up the Downtime section with almost double the previous content and all activities getting something new, so."