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Deep Inside Annie Sprinkle Inside Story of Annie Sprinkle (1981WEBRipHD)


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Deep Inside Annie Sprinkle / Inside Story of Annie Sprinkle (1981/WEBRip/HD)


Category: Classic
Starring: Annie Sprinkle, Colleen Anderson, Ron Jeremy, Lisa Be, Sassy, Buddy Hatton, Bunny Hatton, Ron Hudd, Judy Bilodeau, Mal O'Ree, Diane May, Lee Starr, Roger Ram, Barbara Miller, David Messa
Language: English
4.13 GB | 01:33:32 | 1440x1080 | 23.976 FPS | AVC | AC-3

The fourth of the Evart profile pictures - following Jennifer Welles, Gloria Leonard and Seka and predating Little Oral Annie and Angel Cash - centers on the unique Annie Sprinkle, one of the most gloriously sexual women who ever walked on God's earth and a great personal heroine of mine to boot. No carnal act between consenting adults could ever be kinky to Annie, the Mother Theresa of sex, whose stage shows, work shops, books, movies and what not have accomplished tons of tiny miracles in changing people's consciousness and the way they view themselves as well as the way they (and others) live and love. The once shy little Jewish girl named Ellen has struggled with her own identity and preferences throughout much of her adult life, a struggle she has candidly shared with the rest of the world, her army of admirers steadily growing over the years




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