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Bondage & Torture Video Clips Vol.3


Forum Lord

About video: Dakkota is so unlucky! Caught by a burglar, she's been tightly bound to a stool, her mouth filled with a very effective ball gag to keep her quiet! She whines and mewls her best around the hard rubber mass, but she can't attract enough noise to alert anyone to her plight! Dressed in a pretty red sweater dress, her arms and wrists bound behind her, she's already embarrassed enough at having been caught. That embarrassment is only compounded by the way her bound feet force her legs to remain splayed open so that anyone who does rescue her will get a nice long look at her panties! Her high heels feet twitching as she shakes her torso about, she is actually relieved to see the burglar return. Unfortunately for her, he has no plans to release her. Instead, he's going to take one final thing with him to add to his loot: Her precious stash of chocolate! Driven nearly mad at the prospect of a house without sweets, she kicks her struggling into heavy overdrive, bouncing the stool back and forth across her kitchen in anger and frustration! There's no way to escape, no way to call for help, and worst of all, no way to replenish her stash! Here's hoping she's rescued by a friendly choclatier!!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:11:04
File Size : 485Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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Forum Lord

About video: Jeanette hasn't been very appreciative of all I have done for her, not even bothering to say thank you for all the times I have tied her up. If she can't even engage in common courtesies and manners, she won't engage in speech at all! She's going to spend the evening bound to a chair getting gagged over and over again, with everything at my disposal! Starting off with a simple ball gag, she quickly moves to having her mouth stuffed, which is held in place by a tight double sock cleave gag further tightened down with electrical tape! From there, she gets her mouth absolutely packed with nylons, sealed in with turn after turn of nice clear tape so you can always see just how stuffed her mouth is! She can barely even make a sound! The next gag is the real challenge, as a pair of panties are stuffed into her face hole, held in place with a brutal cleave gag done with white micro foam tape! Her head is locked to the chair with another few turns, all cleaving her mouth deeply and severely, and the entire thing is clamped down with a few vertical turns! She can't move her head even a fraction of an inch! Next, a nice sponge ball is stuffed in her mouth, and her entire head wrapped with plastic wrap! Just as she's coming to terms with THAT, her whole head is wrapped in duct tape! Now "mmmpphh"ing in a panic at beng sealed into darkness, she's left all alone until she learns some manners!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:24:32
File Size : 1075Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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Forum Lord

About video: Jana loves doing the work of the Lord and spends her weekends going from door to door spreading the Gospel. Unfortunately, the man at this home is more interested in seeing her spread something else! After being welcomed in, the poor little thing finds herself tightly bound and gagged on his sofa! A fat red ball gag muffles her cries for help, and the ropes encircling her body and fusing her legs and ankles together will not budge no matter how desperately she struggles! Her eyes wide behind her glasses, she looks for some salvation from her plight, but none is coming! When the man returns, he pops the ball gag out of her mouth and stuffs it full of cloth! He brings out a roll of sticky gray tape and winds it around her face again and again, ensuring she’ll never spit the wad out! Her cries and grunts now even more muffled, she can do nothing to stop him from tearing her blouse open to reveal her huge boobs nearly spilling out of her bra!! As she struggles, the tops of her areolas just peek over the fabric of her bra! Knowing the sight is exciting her captor, she renews her struggles, but she’s stuck good and fast. She may believe in the power of prayer, but right now, she hasn’t a prayer in the world!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:56
File Size : 566Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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Forum Lord

About video: Rachel should know better than to make fun of people at the gym. After all, some of them might just lay in wait for her after her work out, and then Forest her back to their place for a bit of revenge. Unfortunately for the poor girl, she never learned that lesson, and now she's tightly taped as the captive of the man she mocked. The sticky grey duct tape that binds her arms and legs together is absolutely inescapable, and the panties packed in her mouth and sealed in place with more tape ensure that she will not be able to call for help. All the poor girl can do is struggle and wiggle in vain as she hopes to get free, but it's no use. Soon the man returns with even more tape, and begins to wrap her entire body. He wraps her arms from shoulder to wrist and completely in cases her in a tight grey cocoon. He even wraps her poor face and head before leaving her to struggle. Soon he takes away the last bit of hope she has, as he places a strip of tape over her eyes, imprisoning her on darkness. She's his now comma and he has very dark plans for the poor mummified victim.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:22:58
File Size : 1006Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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Forum Lord

About video: Poor Claire! After what has seemed like an endless day and night, she’s still in the clutches of her evil suitor. His idea of a first date leaves a lot to be desired, especially when it comes to tucking her in for the night! Returned to the basement where no one can possibly hear her muffled sobs and whimpers, she’s been wrapped tightly to a pole, only her feet and head free! Her cries for rescue will never be heard down here, and she can’t even wiggle, much less escape. When the creep comes downstairs, he gives her the news: their first date is over, and now the rest of their life together begins! She’ll be kept here forever, a prisoner in her own house, eternally at the mercy of this crazy man! She can scarcely believe her ears, but she doesn’t have to for long, as he begins slowly wrapping her entire head in black medical bandage! Already rendered incapable of speech or movement, she helplessly shivers in fright as her hearing and vision are removed as well! A few winds of black tape keep everything tight and secured, and have the added benefit of locking her head tightly against the beam! As he tromps back up the stairs, she’s left alone in complete isolation, with only her terrified thoughts to keep her company!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:11:07
File Size : 487Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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Forum Lord

About video: When Constance began dating my son, she seemed like the perfect girl. Unfortunately, her sweet and innocent appearance hid the evil intentions she had. Now, three years later, my son is locked up in a federal prison for crimes she committed and framed him for. I’ve bided my time, but today I extract my revenge. Bound with her arms outstretched and fastened securely to my steel rack, she waits helplessly for me to enter and begin her punishment. The harness gag strapped into her mouth causes her to drool constantly, making a mess of her pretty little face and sun dress. Her bondage is soon converted into a standing box tie, her feet bound with band after band of cruel and unforgiving rope, a crotch rope splitting her poor little crotch and wedging her panties into her sex. By the time I am finished, the poor girl cannot move an inch, and stands there drooling and whimpering pitifully as the dripping saliva adds to her humiliation. Any effort to free herself only causes the crotch rope to dig deeper into her, and she soon learns to stay frozen in place in her misery. I do have a heart, however, and promise to set her free…just as soon as my son is released from prison!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:27:20
File Size : 1198Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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Forum Lord

About video: Rogue has enjoyed our secret little tie up games, but she wants more, so she wrote to my wife to tell her all about our regular meetings. Since she has broken my trust, she needs to be punished. Folded in half with her legs crossed and tied and a rope around her neck pulling her body down to her bound ankles, she grunts and moans into a mouth packed with cloth and sealed shut with clear tape. When I enter, I pull her head up sharply to explain what’s about to happen to her. Since my wife has left me as a result of Rogue’s meddling, now she can enjoy bondage games non-stop until I get tired of her. First, though, she needs a good lesson. I tie a rope around her ankles and pull her up so she is balancing precariously, her ass barely touching the floor, then I lock her wrists off to a bar behind her. Now unable to do anything more than wiggle and whimper, I tie thin twine around each big toe and pull them back sharply, winding the extra twine around her already severely gagged mouth before anchoring everything off to the rope that holds her aloft! Squirming and sobbing as she tries to find a comfortable position yet maintain her balance, her eyes grow wide when I bring in a leather strap and begin to slap her feet! Left twitching and wobbling, she has truly begun to fear her future of non-stop bondage games!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:16:43
File Size : 732Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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Forum Lord

About video: Agent Raven has been hot on the trail of a missing girl snatched by a criminal syndicate. As she searches the suspect’s home for evidence, a pair of hands descends upon her. One clamps tightly over her mouth, the other around her throat, and she’s roughly yanked to her feet. The man keeps her mouth sealed tightly shut beneath his hand, taunting and questioning her, frustrating by allowing her to always begin to speak before tightly handgagging her again and again! Her rage is building but despite her energetic fighting, she can’t get free. The man plunges a hand into her hair and wrenches her arm high up into her back, bending her over and forcing her to remove her shoes. Once she’s in her bare feet, he begins to bind her wrists, the helpless agent spewing a stream of threats and profanity as her wrists are tightly secured in savagely restrictive rope. The man stuffs a ball gag into her mouth, cutting off her blather. Furious, she struggles in his grip. In an instant, he tears her tank top to shreds, revealing her huge tits! Exposed, her struggles become even more energized as she feels more rope beginning to encircle her elbows! She constantly gag talks, drooling all over her chin and tits, but her humiliation delights the man. He XXXX her arms high into the air and swats her ass a few times to teach her her proper place. Forcing her to the ground, he binds her ankles and legs as she fights him like a demon, but she’s no match for the man. Yanked back to her feet, she is given a very tight crotch rope, then XXXX to hop in circles around the room! Even in this degrading task, she curses out the man, gurgling around the ball gag, threatening him with prison as her boobs bounce up and down with each circuit around the room. The man laughs and continues to taunt her, making her angrier by the second. Forcing her back to the ground, the man pulls her feet into his lap and begins slapping the sensitive soles of her feet. She screams in pain and frustration. Her defiance never wavers, not even when the man explains she’s about to disappear for good, just like all the other missing women she had hoped to save. He taunts her with her incompetence and helplessness, throwing the feisty agent into a rage. The man leaves her alone to contemplate her fate, and she thrashes about in a fruitless effort to loosen her ropes. Spying a phone on a nearby table, she scoots along the floor on her ass and uses her toes to secure the phone, her wrinkled, meaty soles on full display. Before she can call for help, the man returns and strips away her last hope of rescue! Using a small video camera, he films the feisty agent cursing him out as he continues to mock and belittle her. The drool is covering the poor girl’s chin and chest, and she is drenched in sweat from her struggles. Yanked to her feet, she’s led away to the next phase of her ordeal!!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:16:37
File Size : 728Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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Forum Lord

About video: Sometimes it’s more fun to skip a storyline, and just spend time tying up a good friend so tight they can’t move a muscle! That’s what we do here in this video, as we take our own sweet time slowly roping up Adara Jordin until she’s converted into a tight, absolutely immobilized parcel! All during the process, we banter with and tease each other, as Adara’s range of movement becomes more and more limited. She didn’t bargain on how uncomfortable the tie would be, and once fully secured, she has absolutely no choice but to lay there on her side, completely helpless and totally at my mercy! She’s suffering mightily due to the tight ropes, but I take her mind of things by tickling her bare feet! She can’t pull away, only twitch with laughter from behind her gag. I had so much fun roping her up, I didn’t want to let her go, but I’ll have her in my clutches again VERY soon!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:35:10
File Size : 1542Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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Forum Lord

About video: Poor Bettie Buxome! Her refusal to reveal corporate secrets to the industrial spy has really gotten her into a tight spot now! She’s been tightly wrapped in countless layers of plastic and tape and is XXXX to squirm around like a worm in an effort to get loose! No one can hear her through the layers of adhesive wrap sealing her pretty mouth shut, so she’s completely at the mercy of the nefarious fiends who have turned her into a pathetic package! Every inch and curve of her voluptuous figure is highlighted by and trapped in the stifling cocoon: even her dainty little feet are completely sealed within the confining cocoon! As she rolls around in an effort to escape, she knows she has to act fast lest the creep return to finish her off for good, but with her limbs fused together in her plastic sheath, how can she possible make her way to freedom??

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:08:45
File Size : 383Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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Forum Lord

About video: Jeanette has hired a company to help her move to her new home. Unfortunately, the mover has arrived a week early, surprising the young girl as she dozes on the couch. The mover is adamant that he has the right day and won't take no for an answer. Tired of arguing with him, Jeanette moves to call the cops, but the man throws a heavy blanket over! He holds the wiggling girl tightly as he explains that he came to move EVERYTHING, and that includes HER! Next thing she knows, poor Jeanette is completely wrapped in heavy plastic wrap! Over that she's been tightly encased in bubble wrap, and the crazy bastard has wrapped yards and yards of black tape around her cocoons! He stops her protests by stuffinf an old spongy ball into her mouth and wrapping more of the tape and plastic wrap around and around her face! Now unable to call for help or do more than squirm like a bug, she struggles to get loose before the lunatic comes back with his fan! The wrap is far too secure: even her bare feet are tightly encased and taped! She tries to roll round, but the coccon is far too restrictive, and she's stuck right where he left her! The "mover" returns, rolling the helpless girl onto her stomach and slapping a "This Side Up" label on her tightly encased ass!! Now unable to do anything other than flop like a fish on her belly and mewl, she tries to protest as he prepares to drag her out to his van to begin the move. Unfortunately, he has the wrong destination on the manifest, and she's going to spend the next few days wrapped and gagged in the back of a hot truck on the way to her new home: New Mexico!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:09:27
File Size : 414Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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Forum Lord

About video: How did poor Yoko get here? It doesn't matter. What matters is that she's never going to leave! Bound and gagged, she mewls and struggles as her mysterious captor slowly goes through the contents of her purse, taking her phone, her cash and her car keys. As he calmly explains to the terrified Asian beauty, she no longer has any use for them. She's to remain an unwilling guest here for the rest of her life, as he rents her out as a bondage plaything to various unsavory sorts. No matter how much she shrinks away from the crazy man's touch, her bindings make it impossible to evade his grasp as he continually pulls her back to whatever position suits his fancy! She feels so vulnerable, wearing only bra, panties and pantyhose. Her modesty is only just preserved, but she knows he can change that with the most minimum of effort. As she fights for freedom, she knows her luscious ass is on display and fueling his perverted fantasies, but she doesn't care. She only wants to escape, but the sobbing sounds she makes into her ball gag betray her knowledge that it is an impossible task. Placed into a tight hogtie, her already limited freedom is severely curtailed, and she'll be stuck in that position, unable to move away while the crazed man prepares her for her XXXX arrangements! Soon the poor girl finds herself bound to an iron stand, her arms pulled high up behind her and her legs spread far apart and anchored to either side of the metal structure. The strain on her muscles is almost unbearable, but she has no choice to endure, the muscles in her arms and legs trembling as she hangs helplessly, pulling and tugging against her restraints, but it's no use. She knows she is merely an object to be displayed and used, and she can only wait in terror to find out just what uses he has in mind!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:20:21
File Size : 891Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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Forum Lord

About video: Genevieve works hard and she only wants one thing: for her man to pamper her a bit by making a nice dinner and setting the table with a nice centerpiece. She soon finds that sometimes getting your wish isn’t a good thing, when he turns HER into a living centerpiece, bound and gagged on the dinner table! Struggling in the tight ropes that fuse her legs into a helpless frog tie, her feet tied together and legs attached to each side of the table, keeping her spread wide open, she can’t even use her bound arms to remove the harness gag that is making her drool all over her pretty tablecloth! She gag talks up a storm, first demanding her release, then attempting to reason with her man, and finally begging to be released, but it doesn’t do a bit of good. All it does is make her froth and foam from the harness gag until the saliva is positively dripping from her chin! Her man doesn’t think she’s quite the work of art her envisioned, and so he ties her toes together as she wiggles her bare feet uselessly in an effort to prevent him from humiliating her further. She fails completely, and is helpless to do a damn thing except gurgle and moan when he pulls the gag bag and ties it off to her bound toes! Her head pulled back, she’s positively miserable as he hikes her sundress up and spanks her ass before delivering the most humiliating news of all: He’s invited all her lady friends over that night for an elegant dinner, and won’t they be delighted at the beautiful centerpiece!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:14:34
File Size : 629Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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